Since 2002, Feiyue Paper Products Co. has developed into a full-line printing and packing solutions manufacturer. We are a full-service company that will partner with you in conception, design, prepress, production, and delivery. With machines ranging from paper cutting, printing, laminating, hot stamping, and embossin...See more
Based in
Notable past projects & clients
Il Makiage New York
MOQ: 50+Sampling costs: $5 - $360Avg production time: <30 daysAnnual sales: $5k+Avg. response time: 4 hoursCountry: China
Don't see what you're looking for?This supplier can work on custom requests.
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Feiyue Paper Products Co. is known for
10+ Years in BusinessContract Manufacturer
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Custom Logo
Custom Color
Custom Material
Custom Box Shape
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Feiyue Paper Products Co. can make
cardstock product boxes
custom cardstock boxes
cardstock boxes
branded cardstock boxes
low moq
made in usa
mailer boxes
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branded corrugated boxes
branded shipping boxes
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custom stickers
branded stickers
custom tissue paper
branded tissue paper
branded tape
paper bags
branded notecards
custom notecards
Corrugated Mailer Boxes
Shipping Boxes
Cardstock Boxes
Tissue Paper
Shopping Bags
Hang Tags
Soft Packaging
1 review for Feiyue Paper Products Co.
Write a review
February 22, 2023
We purchased mailer boxes, wrapping tissue paper and paper stickers from Feiyue Paper Products Co. and all of them are perfect with our customised logo. Really happy to work with them.