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Unisex winter flannel pajama set

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Unisex winter flannel pajama set

Pattern Type: Letters Sample Lead Time: 7 Days Material: 100% Polyester Features: Thermal, Breathable Printing Methods: Other Gender: Women, Men Collar: Hooded Weaving Method: Woven Supply Type: OEM Service Fabric Type: Fleece Technics: Embroidered Place of Origin: Zhejiang, China Item Type: Pajamas Closure Type: Elastic Waist Length: Full Length Season: Winter, Spring, Autumn Sleeve Length: Full Model Number: 1 With Hood Product Name: Women's Pajamas Sizes: M & 2XL Logo: Customized Net Weight: 700g Age Group: Adult Women Samples: Available Function: Health and Comfortable Sleepwear Payment Terms: PayPal, Western Union, MoneyGram, T/T, Trade Assurance Features: Plus Size

Supplier capabilities of Kangnian Activewear

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The icon of + Custom LabelsCustom Labels
The icon of + Custom Logo ApplicationCustom Logo Application
The icon of + Custom EmbroideryCustom Embroidery
The icon of + Custom PrintingCustom Printing
The icon of + Custom StitchingCustom Stitching
The icon of + Customize Activewear DesignsCustomize Activewear Designs
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You will receive: You will receive a quality-testing sample in the variant that you select

Sample cost


Sample time

10 days
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