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Plumping Lip Gloss

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You will receive: 1 Plumping Lip Gloss

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Plumping Lip Gloss

   Achieve pouty, fuller lips with our Plumping Lip Gloss. Packed with Vitamin E and skin conditioning agents this hydrating, high-shine Plumping Lip Gloss warms and tingles for immediate results. Lips look instantly voluminous, shapely and flushed with a natural tint. FEATURES & BENEFITS • Lips appear pouty and fuller• Clear, high shine gloss• Non-sticky• Vitamin E a powerful antioxidant and moisturizing agent• Vegan• Gluten-Free• Cruelty-Free• Free of talc and parabens Please note a slight tingling, warm sensation that can last up to 5 minutes is normal.

Supplier capabilities of Auraline Factory

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
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The icon of + Custom Packaging Custom Packaging
The icon of + Custom Formula DevelopmentCustom Formula Development
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Reviews for Auraline Factory

3 reviews for Auraline Factory
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©Mehudar Magic™

July 18, 2024
The samples I received from products by Auraline Beauty that were ordered ARE very pleasing [not all colors of samples in my order were included, and SOME of the colors shown are discontinued]. However, it took a few phone calls to uncover that California is their headquarters and where they perfect their formulas; but ALL their products are "Made in China" - and what the label will state. Unfortunately, my business model proudly focuses on natural products, NOT tested on animals, AND "Made in North America". This means, because Auraline Beauty has deceptively listed their company under the category of "North America", I have wasted funds and valuable time dedicated to move my business into production so I could be stocked with products ready to sell for the winter holidays season. Their business practices also violate the California "Fair Business Practices Act". While I am very satisfied with the products, I am completely disgusted by their business practices and lack of follow-up


January 17, 2024
I really like the hydra gloss' samples I ordered they are super pigmented, not streaky, they don't smell super chemically and got a pretty good response from my testers with my market. I am curious how to go about producing a line :)


March 21, 2023
Not too impressed tbh the lip plumper stings as hell, the mascaras smell like chemicals and aren’t that good

Plumping Lip Gloss

Auraline Beauty also specializes in:
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You will receive: 1 Plumping Lip Gloss

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1 day
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Contact Auraline Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item

Plumping Lip Gloss

   Achieve pouty, fuller lips with our Plumping Lip Gloss. Packed with Vitamin E and skin conditioning agents this hydrating, high-shine Plumping Lip Gloss warms and tingles for immediate results. Lips look instantly voluminous, shapely and flushed with a natural tint. FEATURES & BENEFITS • Lips appear pouty and fuller• Clear, high shine gloss• Non-sticky• Vitamin E a powerful antioxidant and moisturizing agent• Vegan• Gluten-Free• Cruelty-Free• Free of talc and parabens Please note a slight tingling, warm sensation that can last up to 5 minutes is normal.

Supplier capabilities of Auraline Factory

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Custom Logo PrintingCustom Logo Printing
The icon of + Custom Packaging Custom Packaging
The icon of + Custom Formula DevelopmentCustom Formula Development
The icon of + Custom Shades Custom Shades
The icon of + Custom Palettes Custom Palettes
Build a Shopify brand

The preferred platform to build a Shopify brand

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Submit a custom project and have multiple factories reach out within 48 hours with responses.
Centralized communication

Centralized communication

Avoid digging through emails - Pietra centralizes all of your communications & invoices.
Low minimums & lead times

Low minimums & lead times

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Sourcing experts

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Reviews for Auraline Factory

3 reviews for Auraline Factory
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©Mehudar Magic™

July 18, 2024
The samples I received from products by Auraline Beauty that were ordered ARE very pleasing [not all colors of samples in my order were included, and SOME of the colors shown are discontinued]. However, it took a few phone calls to uncover that California is their headquarters and where they perfect their formulas; but ALL their products are "Made in China" - and what the label will state. Unfortunately, my business model proudly focuses on natural products, NOT tested on animals, AND "Made in North America". This means, because Auraline Beauty has deceptively listed their company under the category of "North America", I have wasted funds and valuable time dedicated to move my business into production so I could be stocked with products ready to sell for the winter holidays season. Their business practices also violate the California "Fair Business Practices Act". While I am very satisfied with the products, I am completely disgusted by their business practices and lack of follow-up


January 17, 2024
I really like the hydra gloss' samples I ordered they are super pigmented, not streaky, they don't smell super chemically and got a pretty good response from my testers with my market. I am curious how to go about producing a line :)


March 21, 2023
Not too impressed tbh the lip plumper stings as hell, the mascaras smell like chemicals and aren’t that good
You will receive: 1 Plumping Lip Gloss

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Sample time

1 day
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Contact Auraline Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item