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Jelly Moisturizing Lip Gloss

Daimiya Cosmetics also specializes in:
Lip GlossLip TreatmentsLip LinerScrubEye ShadowCream & MoisturizerSerum & OilsMaskHighlighterLip BalmLipstickBlush
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You will receive: An unbranded lip gloss for quality testing (no customization).

Sample cost


Sample time

7 days
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Contact Daimiya Cosmetics to customize this product and order a production run.

Jelly Moisturizing Lip Gloss

Create a line of jelly moisturizing lip glosses, available in 8 different stock flavors. Chat with us for details on customizing this product.

Supplier capabilities of Daimiya Cosmetics

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
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The icon of + Custom PackagingCustom Packaging
The icon of + Custom LogoCustom Logo
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Reviews for Daimiya Cosmetics

2 reviews for Daimiya Cosmetics
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November 30, 2023
Amazing customer service


May 22, 2023
Wonderful experience working with Dally Cosmetics. Quick response to email inquiry, selections of samples. and attention to resolving how I can brand my products with thiiir products..

Start a production run




50 units


300 units


1000 units

Contact supplier to customize
You will receive: An unbranded lip gloss for quality testing (no customization).

Sample cost


Sample time

7 days
add to cartOrder stock samples
Contact Daimiya Cosmetics to customize this product and order a production run.