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High Quality Soft Waterdrop Latex Free Makeup Sponge Beauty Blender

YRSOOPRISA PRO also specializes in:
BrushSpongeBags & LuggageHair ToolsCleanser & Face Wash
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You will receive: 1 sponge in the color of your choice

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7 days
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High Quality Soft Waterdrop Latex Free Makeup Sponge Beauty Blender

Material: latex free makeup sponge Colour: customized color or Wholesale new arrival fine texture makeup sponge Shape: Customized shape Package: Clear PE bag, silver bag, PVC box, paper box and etc Feature: Could be used dry and wet; Soft and smooth, good elasticity Function: Base makeup, Concealer, Foundation, Blending, Blush, etc Used for T-zone, Around eyes, Nose and whole Face Wet Used with BB cream, Liquid foundation, Makeup Base, etc. Dry Used with Blush, Compact, Loose Powder, Shading Powder, etc How to: 1. Wet beauty sponge with water. 2. Squeeze out the excess liquid, using a towel if available. 3. Bounce foundation,powder,or any other complexion product across the face for flawless results. 4. Cleanse after each use to help maintain the integrity of the blender’s exclusive material. 5. Replace your makeup blending sponge every three months, and never miss a bounce Our Advantage: 1. Paraben-free; sulfate-free; latex-free; Non latex foam 2. Cruelty-free & Vegan 3. non-irritating 4. Seamless Beauty Sponge

Supplier capabilities of YRSOOPRISA PRO

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Logo PrintingLogo Printing
The icon of + Customize Brush shapeCustomize Brush shape
The icon of + Customize colors for each part(bristle, ferrule&handle)Customize colors for each part(bristle, ferrule&handle)
The icon of + How to Customize Your Makeup BrushHow to Customize Your Makeup Brush
The icon of + LOGO & PackageLOGO & Package
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You will receive: 1 sponge in the color of your choice

Sample cost


Sample time

7 days
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Contact YRSOOPRISA PRO to customize this product and order a production run.