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Bryden also specializes in:
DressesTopsOuterwearPantsLeggingsSports BrasBikini
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21 days
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Pietra iconMember only item


Work with Bryden to create your custom line of hats. The minimum order requirements are 80 – 100 pieces per COLOUR for 1 DESIGN and 480-500 pieces per ORDER. It usually take 4-6 months to be completed using stock fabric and 6-8 months for custom produced fabrics. Leads time are calculated on estimated from the date we start to the completion of production. Our team will discuss your ideas with you and advise on fabrications and suitable printing methods to develop the technical drawings and tech packs that will bring your ideas onto paper and to life. Our sourcing staff works with our network of local suppliers to provide you with an array of of different fabrics, trims, notions, buttons and zippers for your designs. Custom fabrications, dye, trims and notions options are also available. Our dedicated sampling lines and highly experienced workforce usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to create the paper patterns and grade the sizes before cutting and sewing your samples. After your samples are made, our product development team will check the samples for consistency and if they are good to be go. Here are the following things we’ll require and the details to take note of before we can begin of the exciting journey of creating your brand: Branding Files Designs Artwork Files Sizing

Supplier capabilities of Bryden Factory

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Custom TagsCustom Tags
The icon of + Custom ButtonsCustom Buttons
The icon of + Custom Elastic WaistbandsCustom Elastic Waistbands
The icon of + Custom NotionsCustom Notions
Build a Shopify brand

The preferred platform to build a Shopify brand

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Submit a custom project and have multiple factories reach out within 48 hours with responses.
Centralized communication

Centralized communication

Avoid digging through emails - Pietra centralizes all of your communications & invoices.
Low minimums & lead times

Low minimums & lead times

Find factories around the world that meet your requirements without unnecessary costs.
Sourcing experts

Sourcing experts

Book 1:1 time with production specialists, fulfillment wizards, and e-commerce professionals.

Reviews for Bryden Factory

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Bryden also specializes in:
DressesTopsOuterwearPantsLeggingsSports BrasBikini
Get design ideas
Use AI to create variations of this product and send to this factory.
Get help from a pro
Ask a Pietra pro how to decide if you want to work with a factory

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Sample time

21 days
Contact Bryden Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item


Work with Bryden to create your custom line of hats. The minimum order requirements are 80 – 100 pieces per COLOUR for 1 DESIGN and 480-500 pieces per ORDER. It usually take 4-6 months to be completed using stock fabric and 6-8 months for custom produced fabrics. Leads time are calculated on estimated from the date we start to the completion of production. Our team will discuss your ideas with you and advise on fabrications and suitable printing methods to develop the technical drawings and tech packs that will bring your ideas onto paper and to life. Our sourcing staff works with our network of local suppliers to provide you with an array of of different fabrics, trims, notions, buttons and zippers for your designs. Custom fabrications, dye, trims and notions options are also available. Our dedicated sampling lines and highly experienced workforce usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to create the paper patterns and grade the sizes before cutting and sewing your samples. After your samples are made, our product development team will check the samples for consistency and if they are good to be go. Here are the following things we’ll require and the details to take note of before we can begin of the exciting journey of creating your brand: Branding Files Designs Artwork Files Sizing

Supplier capabilities of Bryden Factory

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Custom TagsCustom Tags
The icon of + Custom ButtonsCustom Buttons
The icon of + Custom Elastic WaistbandsCustom Elastic Waistbands
The icon of + Custom NotionsCustom Notions
Build a Shopify brand

The preferred platform to build a Shopify brand

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Submit a custom project and have multiple factories reach out within 48 hours with responses.
Centralized communication

Centralized communication

Avoid digging through emails - Pietra centralizes all of your communications & invoices.
Low minimums & lead times

Low minimums & lead times

Find factories around the world that meet your requirements without unnecessary costs.
Sourcing experts

Sourcing experts

Book 1:1 time with production specialists, fulfillment wizards, and e-commerce professionals.

Reviews for Bryden Factory

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Sample cost

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Sample time

21 days
Contact Bryden Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item