Calico designs
Hand Beaded Dress With Exposed Waist
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You will receive: One size 8 sample of the dress shown in the product photo.Sample cost
$214.00Sample time
25 daysMember only item
Hand Beaded Dress With Exposed Waist
Full hand embellished dress. Design can be customized.
Sample size is a US size 8. Custom projects can be in any range of sizes.
For bulk order the MOQ is approx. 50 depending on style.
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Calico designs also specializes in:
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Order samples
You will receive: One size 8 sample of the dress shown in the product photo.Sample cost
$214.00Sample time
25 daysMember only item
Hand Beaded Dress With Exposed Waist
Full hand embellished dress. Design can be customized.
Sample size is a US size 8. Custom projects can be in any range of sizes.
For bulk order the MOQ is approx. 50 depending on style.
Reviews for Calico Factory
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Order samples
You will receive: One size 8 sample of the dress shown in the product photo.Sample cost
$214.00Sample time
25 daysMember only item