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Gold Digital Start Up Package

Hallmarked Design also specializes in:
Social Media MarketingWebsite & Landing Page DesignBrand StrategyLogo DesignPackaging & Label Designers
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You will receive: The Gold Start Up Package includes logo design, social media , website design, branding elements, brand guidelines, and an email signature.

Sample cost


Sample time

14 days
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Contact Hallmarked Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item

Gold Digital Start Up Package

Digital Start Up Package - Gold ✔ Logo Design (3 x concepts, All file formats) ✔ Full Branded Social media package (3 x grid post templates, 3 x story post templates, highlight covers & up to 3 cover images) ✔ Website Design (3-page design) ✔ Branding elements (to be used on Canva templates, packaging etc) ✔ Brand Guideline pack (including fontbook, colourthemes, size guides etc) ✔ Email Signature

Supplier capabilities of Hallmarked Factory

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Logo Identity DesignLogo Identity Design
The icon of + Packaging DesignPackaging Design
The icon of + Stationery Design: Business Cards, Compliments Slips, LetterheadsStationery Design: Business Cards, Compliments Slips, Letterheads
The icon of + Branded Social Media: Branded templates / retainer for weekly & monthly designsBranded Social Media: Branded templates / retainer for weekly & monthly designs
The icon of + Website Design: Wordpress, Shopify, Squarespace Website Design: Wordpress, Shopify, Squarespace
The icon of + Print Design: Ads, promotional materialsPrint Design: Ads, promotional materials
Build a Shopify brand

The preferred platform to build a Shopify brand

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Submit a custom project and have multiple factories reach out within 48 hours with responses.
Centralized communication

Centralized communication

Avoid digging through emails - Pietra centralizes all of your communications & invoices.
Low minimums & lead times

Low minimums & lead times

Find factories around the world that meet your requirements without unnecessary costs.
Sourcing experts

Sourcing experts

Book 1:1 time with production specialists, fulfillment wizards, and e-commerce professionals.

Reviews for Hallmarked Factory

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Gold Digital Start Up Package

Hallmarked Design also specializes in:
Social Media MarketingWebsite & Landing Page DesignBrand StrategyLogo DesignPackaging & Label Designers
Get design ideas
Use AI to create variations of this product and send to this factory.
Get help from a pro
Ask a Pietra pro how to decide if you want to work with a factory
You will receive: The Gold Start Up Package includes logo design, social media , website design, branding elements, brand guidelines, and an email signature.

Sample cost


Sample time

14 days
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Contact Hallmarked Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item

Gold Digital Start Up Package

Digital Start Up Package - Gold ✔ Logo Design (3 x concepts, All file formats) ✔ Full Branded Social media package (3 x grid post templates, 3 x story post templates, highlight covers & up to 3 cover images) ✔ Website Design (3-page design) ✔ Branding elements (to be used on Canva templates, packaging etc) ✔ Brand Guideline pack (including fontbook, colourthemes, size guides etc) ✔ Email Signature

Supplier capabilities of Hallmarked Factory

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Logo Identity DesignLogo Identity Design
The icon of + Packaging DesignPackaging Design
The icon of + Stationery Design: Business Cards, Compliments Slips, LetterheadsStationery Design: Business Cards, Compliments Slips, Letterheads
The icon of + Branded Social Media: Branded templates / retainer for weekly & monthly designsBranded Social Media: Branded templates / retainer for weekly & monthly designs
The icon of + Website Design: Wordpress, Shopify, Squarespace Website Design: Wordpress, Shopify, Squarespace
The icon of + Print Design: Ads, promotional materialsPrint Design: Ads, promotional materials
Build a Shopify brand

The preferred platform to build a Shopify brand

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Work with 1300+ vetted factories

Submit a custom project and have multiple factories reach out within 48 hours with responses.
Centralized communication

Centralized communication

Avoid digging through emails - Pietra centralizes all of your communications & invoices.
Low minimums & lead times

Low minimums & lead times

Find factories around the world that meet your requirements without unnecessary costs.
Sourcing experts

Sourcing experts

Book 1:1 time with production specialists, fulfillment wizards, and e-commerce professionals.

Reviews for Hallmarked Factory

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You will receive: The Gold Start Up Package includes logo design, social media , website design, branding elements, brand guidelines, and an email signature.

Sample cost


Sample time

14 days
add to cartOrder stock samples
Contact Hallmarked Factory to customize this product and order a production run.
Pietra iconMember only item