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Earthy Casual Tunic Dress

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Earthy Casual Tunic Dress

We all feel like taking it easy some days. When you do not want to glam up too much, simply wear this earthy casual tunic dress. Made of polyester material, it would be perfect when the day is breezy or cold. This earthy dress has a basic round neckline and tank sleeve design that give you enough opportunity to accessorize. It has a regular fit that looks perfect on every body type. The dress falls till the knees so that you can wear it to the office as well.

Supplier capabilities of Samshek Inc

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Custom Label StitchingCustom Label Stitching
The icon of + Fabric SourcingFabric Sourcing
The icon of + Product PrintingProduct Printing
The icon of + EmbroideryEmbroidery
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Reviews for Samshek Inc

1 review for Samshek Inc
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November 28, 2024
It took them 5 months to make 12 skirts. When asked what's the update during that time, they would say it's going to be mailed when it wasn't mailed for another 3 months. And when I recieved the skirts, it was made incorrectly. I asked about why there was a change in construction and never received a response.

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You will receive: Your chosen style in the size in the color and units selected. Custom tags are not typically used on single unit sample orders.

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Sample time

21 days
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Contact Samshek Inc to place a custom sample or production order.