Dry and Wet Use Mashroom Handle Sponge
YRSOOPRISA PRO also specializes in:
BrushSpongeBags & LuggageHair ToolsCleanser & Face Wash
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You will receive: 1 sponge in the color of your choiceSample cost
$6.00Sample time
7 daysDry and Wet Use Mashroom Handle Sponge
Mashroom Handle Makeup Sponge
Latex free material
Supplier capabilities of YRSOOPRISA PRO
These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.Logo Printing
Customize Brush shape
Customize colors for each part(bristle, ferrule&handle)
How to Customize Your Makeup Brush
LOGO & Package
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Order samples
You will receive: 1 sponge in the color of your choice