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You will receive: Your chosen style in the size, color and units selected with your custom tag and any branding elements you request of your supplier. Chat with your supplier after ordering to ensure your customizations are fully understood.Sample cost
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21 daysChariot Joggers Black
The cuffed leg statement trackpants define comfort. With bold colour panelling, the soft hand feel and clean finish with mesh for breathability at the cuff make them ideal for all times of the day. Black and Yellow are a ideal combination for styling your daily wardrobes and apt for your next travel hunt
Supplier capabilities of Myriad
These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.Custom Stitched Labels
Fabric Sourcing
Product Printing
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You will receive: Your chosen style in the size, color and units selected with your custom tag and any branding elements you request of your supplier. Chat with your supplier after ordering to ensure your customizations are fully understood.