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Aluminum smoking accessories kit storage tube

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Aluminum smoking accessories kit storage tube

Material: Made of Zinc Alloy and Plastic, this smoking kit is durable and long-lasting. Place of Origin: This kit was manufactured in Guangdong, a province in China known for its high-quality products. Model Number: As shown in the pictures, this smoking kit has a custom logo design. Color: The color of this smoking kit can be customized to your preference. Product Name: This versatile smoking set can be used for various smoking accessories. Usage: This smoking kit is perfect for all your smoking needs. Size: The size of this smoking kit is similar to the one shown in the pictures. Keywords: The keywords for this smoking set kit are "Smoking Set" and "Kit" for easy identification. Logo: The logo on this smoking kit can be customized according to your business or personal brand. Type: This set includes a rolling tray, herb grinder, and other essential smoking accessories. Feature: The smoking kit is designed to be portable, making it convenient for on-the-go use. Function: This smoking kit includes a lighter and other smoke accessories to enhance your smoking experience. Packing: Each smoking kit is individually packaged in carton boxes for safer delivery. Name: This set is known as the "Smoking Kit for Smoke" and is a must-have for smokers.

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You will receive: You will receive a quality-testing sample in the variant that you select

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Sample time

7 days
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