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The Chain | Pietra


All profits from sales of The Chain's jewelry goes to The Chain, a 501(c)3 non-profit.
The Chain
The Chain is a New York-based 501(c)3 non-profit that provides peer support for women working in the fashion and entertainment industries who are struggling with or recovering from an eating disorder. The Chain was founded in December 2017 by Christina Grasso and Ruthie Friedlander, both in recovery from anorexia, after they encountered a need for a support network that addresses the challenges in eating disorder recovery unique to the fashion and entertainment industries. The Chain aims to create a safe place for this population to share their experiences and gain insight through conversation, support, and community building. Since its inception, The Chain has partnered with Cynthia Rowley, Chillhouse, Outdoor Voices, Postmates, Juhi Center, Sunday Forever, Spring Place, Roxanne Assoulin and Le Board. (more)
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